20 September 1818
adams-john10 Neal MillikanReligionRoads

20. VI: Breakfasted with P. P. F. de Grand, at his lodgings, and he discoursed with me much about the politics, and the state of parties in this Commonwealth. He wishes me to take some part or interest in them: but I see no object of public usefulness to be answered by it. He told me that Mr Monroe just before he made the appointment of Secretary of State, wrote a note to Judge Story, requesting to see him; 400and when Story went to him, he said it had been his intention to appoint me Secretary of State; but Mr Clay had objected to the appointment, on the allegation that I was not a republican, and that Mr Crowninshield and Jonathan Russell had assured the President that it was so— I was not a republican. So it would seem that Story undertook to answer for my republicanism— Whether my appointment was for my own good or for that of my Country is known only to God. As yet I have far more reason to lament than to rejoice at the Event. Yet I feel not the less the obligation of Mr Monroe’s confidence in me, and the duty of personal devotion to the success of his administration which it imposes upon me— That Clay should have taken pains to prevent my appointment, is as natural as that he should have coveted it himself. Mr Crowninshield’s opposition to me arose no doubt from party, and Russell’s from personal motives. That Clay, should, have had the talent of making tools of those men for his purposes, is no mean proof of his address. His mind is of a very superior cast to their’s, but in his management of his opposition to me, there is a total disregard, not only of generosity, but of fairness. So painful however is the situation in which I am placed, that I wish every hour of my life, he had succeeded in keeping me from it— No more of this— George Blake came and took me to hear Mr Channing, who delivered a very good discourse upon the dangers of populous places to the purity of morals. We dined at our lodgings, and after dinner attended Mr Greenwood at Mr Parkman’s, a North-end Meeting House— Immediately after Meeting we proceeded to Salem, and took lodgings soon after Sunset, at the Essex Coffee-House, the house in which Mr W. Gray resided when he was an inhabitant of Salem, and which was built by him— We walked out in the Evening, and found the house of Mr Felt, who married Abigail Shaw; but they were not at home. We came over the Turnpike road— It was the first time I had been at Salem, since that road was constructed; or since the year 1791.

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