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JQA体系日记,第31卷 1820年9月19日


尼尔·米利根 银行 美国 商务 外交关系 路易斯安那州 购买 海盗船 南美独立战争

19. 第三: 稍早完成我的晨间任务 照例,拜访完我的办公室后,我就去总统家 发现 Mr 沃特. 他带来了有关提议的文件 accomodation to be furnished by the 银行 美国 to the Government; but the 总统 有 以前没听说过,一个字的财政赤字. 他的动机 for coming here were principally relating to the state of our foreign affairs; 和 chiefly with regard to Portugal 和 France. 我有一个 conversation of nearly three hours with him upon these points which it 我不可能详细记录吗. og体育平台葡萄牙,他说 seemed inclined to ascribe the hostile aspect of our relations with her 在很大程度上是由于 阿贝科雷亚他不认为他有什么动机 值得称赞的-神甫访问了 Mr 杰佛逊 他跟他谈了很多og体育平台一个美国人的事 system in which his Government 和 ours should be united, 和 by concert 美国应该同意保留这片海岸 Hemisphere clear of Pirates, on condition that they should sweep the 在东半球海域清除巴巴里海盗,那Mr 杰斐逊倾向于支持 计划,并认为它可能会付诸实施,使我们 一个中队可能会从地中海撤出.——总统说 he 有 observed to the 总统 that an American system upon that plan would be an alliance between 美国 和 Portugal against the South-American Independents, which was hardly reconcileable with any just view of our policy, 和 this was certainly true— I added that the Abbe 有 more than once broached this subject of an American system to be concerted between the two great Powers of the western Hemisphere; meaning 美国 和 Portugal— I 有 never disturbed the abbe in his romancing; but Portugal 和 美国 are the two great American powers, much as a jolly-boat 和 the Columbus are two great 一列战列舰——以及一种独立于美国的体系 欧洲,葡萄牙既不是美国的,也不是独立的,只要 Portugal shall recognize the house of Braganza for her Sovereign, so long the house of Braganza will be European 和 not American; a Satellite 和 not a primary Planet— As to an American System, we have it; we constitute the whole of it—there is no community of interests or 北美和南美之间的原则. Mr 托雷斯, 和 玻利瓦尔——奥希金斯 谈论美国人 system as much as the abbe Correa—but there is no basis for any such ——总统说Mr 杰斐逊曾 told the Abbe that as to the appointment of Commissioners to try the captures of Portuguese property by Baltimore pirates, it was out of the 问题是——不可能有这样的事——神甫去过 exceedingly irritable, 和 talked under very high excitement; for which Mr 杰斐逊不能解释——我说 that in his communications with me here; the Abbe 有 been mild 和 moderate— That I believed the subject was very disagreeable to him, 和 that he was very glad to be relieved from all further agency relating to 但是我不难理解他的激动和激动 irritability— 的 Portuguese property taken by the Pirates, notoriously 和 openly fitted out in Baltimore; officered 和 manned by our own 在他这种处境下,人多得足以使人烦躁. 的 sufferers of course immediately resorted to their Government, 和 the Government by their Instructions to him— It was my opinion that Portugal 有 real grounds of complaint against us, 和 that if the case 有 been reversed, 和 we 有 suffered in the same way, 和 to the same extent by her People, we should have declared War against her without hesitation. 她并不害怕战争——她对战争的兴趣太强烈了 against it; but she might assail us by commercial regulations 和 阿贝告诉过我,她一定会的 总统 wished me to write to the Abbe 和 call for his proofs against 他所拥有的美国海军军官和法官 denounced, 和 also his proofs in all the cases of Portuguese vessels 被巴尔的摩海盗抓了-他 420说如果有的话 was proof against any of our naval officers they ought to be dismissed; 和 if against any of the judges, it should be laid before Congress— With regard to France he thought that notwithst和ing the resentment of France at our late Tonnage duty, the French Government after satisfying their own pride will conclude to negotiate— He wished me therefore to 为M草拟说明r 加勒廷在 两国之间讨论的所有问题 区别吨位税,直接和间接-领事 Convention—the delivery of deserting Mariners—the Claims of our Citizens upon the French Government—和 a claim on the part of France of special privileges in 路易斯安那州— I asked him on what principles the Instructions upon each of these points were to be drawn— I told him what I supposed would be the proposals of France on the 吨位税—that is that the duties on both sides should be so proportioned that each party should have half the shipping employed between them— I stated their argument upon it; that upon equal terms they cannot st和 a competition with us in navigation, 和 that the advantages which our navigators have over theirs must in some manner be countervailed to enable them to have their just proportion of the carrying trade— He said he thought there was weight in it; but I observed I did not see how we could possibly assent 原则. 我们向全世界提供了完全的互惠. Great Britain, 和 several other Nations 有 accepted the proposal— France now called upon us to agree to be clogged, in order to enable her people to hold competition with us— If we should assent, our own people would first be dissatisfied, 和 next, all the Nations with which we 我们站在互惠的基础上——我们应该大声疾呼 来自各方的不满. 至于领事公约,那就是 法国是一个国家事务,她想通过领事 Jurisdictions, to retain all her power over Frenchmen in this Country— 的 operation of the system was always odious here— 的 old Congress 有 拒绝批准该公约 Dr 富兰克林— Mr 杰斐逊最后 签了一个 伯爵德 Montmorin; which was the most unpopular Treaty ever made by us— It gave constant dissatisfaction while it lasted, 和 would be no 如果现在更新,不赞成的人就少了. 总统认为这样最好 把这两个话题分开,把这件事推迟 Consular Convention— That we should agree to the Article for restoring deserting Seamen; 和 persist in rejecting the claim of privilege in 路易斯安那州— With regard to the claims of our Citizens as there will be no 目前为他们争取赔偿的前景, Mr 加勒廷 应该被指示努力获得一个 规定今后应予以考虑的条款 回到办公室,我开始起草《og体育平台》r 加勒廷- Mrs 亚当斯Mrs 史密斯 回到家 day, from Frederick— After a stormy, but very sultry day, the Evening 清除感冒.