A website from the 质量achusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.


Leverett Saltonstall Family Correspondence

This selection of letters from Leverett Saltonstall (1783-1845) to his wife 和 children include Saltonstall's detailed observations of politics 和 society in Washington D.C. 从1824年到1826年,从1838年到1843年.

After graduating from Harvard College in 1802, Leverett Saltonstall studied law in his hometown of Haverhill, 质量. He was admitted to the bar in 1805 和, in 1806, moved to Salem, 质量. 从事法律工作. There he met Mary Elizabeth S和ers (1788-1858), 微缩肖像细节, watercolor on ivory of Mary Elizabeth S和ers Saltonstall (1788-1858) by Carlo Carusonthe sister of his Harvard classmate Charles S和ers. Leverett 和 Mary married in 1811 和 had four children: Anne Elizabeth (1812-1881); Caroline (1815-1883); Lucy (1822-1890); 和 Leverett (1825-1895). 

Saltonstall was elected by the Federalist party to the 质量achusetts House of Representatives in 1813 和 served on 和 off again in the House 和 森ate through 1834. Between his years of legislative service, he practiced law. One of his maritime cases brought him before the U.S. Supreme Court during the February terms of 1824, 1825, 1826. It was during these trips that he shared with his wife his first impressions of Washington, 写生动的描述 亨利。克莱, 约翰·马歇尔, 安德鲁。杰克逊,他的 参观山. 弗农乔治·华盛顿的故居. 他的信中还包括 相当坦率的描述 of both 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 和 his wife Louisa Catherine.  

Detail of oil on canvas portrait of Leverett Saltonstall (1783-1845) by Chester HardingSaltonstall served as Salem’s first mayor from 1836-1838, was then elected a representative to Congress as a member of the Whig party, 1838年至1843年任职. Saltonstall wrote to his wife 和 children almost daily during his four years of service, with detailed observations of Washington personalities 和 events.  “I shall make you a political lady,” he warned his wife in a letter of 一八三八年十二月十二日. “无论如何,他接着说, “你是我的政治记者, my friends 谁 would know what I am about 和 what is going on, 必须申请你作为喷泉头吗.”

包括在 Detail of letter from Leverett Saltonstall to Mary Elizabeth S和ers Saltonstall, 一八三八年十二月七日 Saltonstall’s letters are descriptions of 的政治华盛顿的社会生活, details of his daily life as a member of Congress. 他分享了他对总统的印象 约翰·昆西·亚当斯马丁·范布伦白宫, 亨利·克莱的演讲, 华盛顿的奴隶市场, 总统就职典礼subsequent funeral of William Henry Harrison政治斗争,最后, 他竞选连任失败.


"'Whereer I roam', I am still ever your's most truly 和 affectly."

"what would I not give to hear her sing 'Lallah -- Lallah -- diddle -- diddle' this morning"

"before the declaration of the vote, there was a breathless expectation"

“回家多愉快啊, 增加, interesting associations does that little word crowd upon the imagination"

"Congress seems incapable of attending to any business that requires exertion."

"Where shall we find -- not his equal -- this cannot be expected again -- but his resemblance..."

"It is particularly proper that I should dwell on the beauties & advantages of Baltimore, as you never happened to meet with any one acquainted with this City"

"Your smiles my dear wife are more precious to me than all the honors of office."

"It is difficult for me to realize it my passage has been so rapid ... 离我离开塞勒姆不到46小时!"

“Washn. 自从我来了以后,你的工作有了很大的改善 ... 国会大厦已经完工了。”

"nothing here is comparable in contributing to my happiness, to hearing from those I have left at home."

"I think of him constantly -- more 和 more. 真是个好兄弟. 他真是个好朋友."

"a man 谁 never said any thing which was worth repeating, & 谁, 如果他今晚被带走, would leave nothing to which one could refer to prove his greatness."

“但这对我们的国家来说是多么不幸啊, 我们竟然如此分裂, when a change of rulers seems to me to be so important."

“昨天我们非常兴奋. I thought at one moment, we should have had a battle."

"For the first time, my dear wife, I have neglected writing home at least once in two days."

似乎没有人认为H. 是致命的”

“他们哀悼总统的去世. 如亲戚或朋友的."

"Mr. Adams has done us infinite mischief, by his course, & 他说了一些意见."

"We are approaching a crisis -- what will be the result, I know not."

"The House is in much confusion -- like Babel -- all talking about the veto -- some pacifically, 有些人愤怒地——”

“总统被愚弄了 & betrayed by a few traitors to our party"

“Washn. 新闻一定能激起各种激情 & emotions -- wonder -- indignation -- exultation -- disappointment -- hope -- fear -- rage -- joy &c. -- &c."

"Shd we be disappd, life would no longer have any charm for us."

"When I do go home, I shall want to be at home -- at rest -- at peace. 我讨厌被人牵着走。”

“我确实认为我有一样东西很有价值, to leave to my children—"a good name"—which is better than riches."

"Thank H—n "the agony is over," 和 I am not chosen."


“这么说你有一匹马了 & 躺椅上的灾难.  我很抱歉."

"I would not have you become a politician, my Son, for many, many years. It is a poor occupation for persons at any period of life, but miserable indeed for youth."

"I shall have no ambition that you should become an active, 党派政客——恰恰相反, 我会后悔的."